Bird flu has been around for decades, but it has become far more widespread and virulent in recent years and months. Many scientists and health professionals are deeply worried that bird flu could explode into a massive global pandemic. During the last massive global pandemic just a few years ago, the US President continually downplayed its severity and consequences, ignored and berated his own leading experts, discouraged masking and social distancing, proposed widely debunked and ineffectual quack cures, and made numerous bad decisions that led to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans.
Now that same man is poised to become President again, it is clear that he will never acknowledge his past mistakes, let alone accept responsibility for them. In fact, his chosen head of the Health and Human Services Department, Robert Kennedy Jr., is openly disdainful of modern medicine, has called for the cessation of vaccine research and is even encouraging people to drink unpasteurized raw milk that could be swimming in bird flu cells. Plus the government promises to weaken or eliminate the very few remaining constraints that prevent industrial animal agriculture from continuing the egregious overcrowding and horrible treatment of the animals in their care that helped get us into this mess in the first place.
If bird flu continues to mutate and expand into the human population in the next few years, the US government will be completely unqualified and disinclined to do anything to stop it. Hopefully, other governments, firms and institutions can somehow fill this gaping hole in the protection of our health, because there doesn't appear to be any help coming from the place that is best equipped to address the problem.