She is a real life bovineOkja – An immense Brazilian cow with the science fiction-y name Viatina-19 has just sold at auction for four million dollars. Viatina-19 weighs 2,400 pounds – more than twice the weight of a typical adult female of her breed. She is set to be the matriarch of a new breed of "supercows" who will provide twice the meat of ordinary cattle. Her wealthy owners extract the eggs and semen from champion animals, create embryos and implant them in surrogate cows that they hope will produce the next magnificent specimens. They are touting Viatina-19's existence by erecting billboards and inviting visitors.
Cattle farming and ranching is one of the biggest businesses in Brazil, and it is at least mainly responsible for 80% of the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. Worldwide, cattle farming and ranching is one of the leading causes of habitat destruction, species extinction and the climate crisis.
Instead of celebrating these Frankensteinian creatures, we should be encouraging everyone to reduce their beef consumption to help ensure the futures of our children and grandchildren.