The world is facing so many dire problems: the climate crisis, the rapid loss of natural spaces and biodiversity, the increasing rate of species extinction, massive loss of precious topsoil, water shortages, the decline of life in our oceans, the high rates of food insecurity, the increase in global pandemics and food borne illnesses, the high rates of food-related diseases like heart attacks, strokes, colorectal cancers, type 2 diabetes – the list goes on and on. All of these problems were either caused or exacerbated by animal agriculture. Everyone contributes to all of these problems every time they eat a meal containing animals, and contributes to the solution every time they eat an entirely plant-based meal.
Be a part of the solution. Eat plants, not animals.
This meme is dedicated to our friend, ally and Vegan Street supporter Paul Schenck. Thanks, Paul, for all you do for the animals!