One of the more bizarre and bitter complaints against vegans is that we are somehow responsible for the massive soy production that has been destroying the Amazon rainforest and contributing to the destructive overuse of the poisonous pesticide RoundUp (thanks to Monsanto's genetically modified RoundUp-Ready soybeans) here in North America. But in fact, vegans consume very, very little of the world's soy. More than three-quarters of it is used to feed farmed animals and more than two-thirds of the bit that is fed directly to humans is in the form of soybean oil which is mostly used to deep-fry chicken, fish and fast-food French fries. About 2 1/2% is used to make tofu, another 2% to make soymilk and another 2% to make other soy products, many of which are not vegan. And most tofu and soymilk is consumed by no-vegans, so really the average vegan consumes less soy on the the whole than the average non-vegan.