News from the What Could Possibly Go Wrong? department: We all know that methane from cattle belches and gases is a major cause of climate change. Less well known is all the ammonia pollution from cow pee that fouls water and soil and can lead to the large scale production of nitrous oxide – an even more potent greenhouse gas.
Luckily (I guess) some brave and I imagine well-intentioned scientists have discovered that young cattle can be taught to pee in a specific place at a specific time, just like kittens and toddlers. The specific place is a big litter-box-like stall they call the Moo Loo (get it?), that the calves can supposedly wander into whenever they get the urge.
This raises some very huge questions like, "if cattle have the brain power of small children, should we be eating them?" and "with tens of thousands of cattle squeezed into each typical feedlot, won't the lines to the Moo Loo get kind of long?"
Or the biggest question: "why does the cattle industry feel the need to keep coming up with more and more outrageous "solutions" to problems that could so easily be solved by just switching people to a vegan diet?"