There are hundreds of puppy mills in the US holding tens of thousands of purebred puppies captive in deplorable conditions before they are sold for massive profit to pet stores across the country. Of course, in order for this sick system to survive, they need a steady supply of pet stores to buy their ill-treated products. Five states: Illinois, California, Maryland, Maine and Washington, as well as more than 300 cities and counties, have already banned the sale of puppies by pet stores. They are now about to be joined by another populous state as the New York State Senate has just passed The Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill which is now just awaiting the expected signature of Governor Kathy Hochul.
As more and more states and communities cut off this vital income source, more and more of these disreputable puppy mills will be forced out of business. There are millions of wonderful dogs and cats living in thousands of shelters across the country who are pining for the chance to live in a forever home. If you're looking for a loving furry companion, the best place to go is your local shelter.