Sharks get a bad rap. They are typically portrayed as vicious cold-blooded killers (thanks Steven Spielberg), when, in fact, they avoid humans and for good reason. More than 100 million sharks are killed horribly each year by being caught, having their dorsal fins cut off and then tossed into the ocean only to sink to the bottom of the ocean where they suffer a slow, painful death. Shark-fin soup is a luxury dish that is popular in China (though thanks to shark and environmental advocates, its popularity is waning there) and throughout Southeast Asia.
Now the advocates' efforts are finally paying off. As of January 1st, 2022, it is illegal to fish for sharks in Hawaii's territorial waters. It has already been illegal to buy or sell shark fins there, a law that has been picked up by 13 other states. Shark finning and shark fishing are slowly being relegated to the dustbin of history and will hopefully soon be seen as just another horrible thing that people used to do.