The US certainly has by far the most corrupt, ideologically challenged and politically motivated Supreme Court of any of our lifetimes, but shockingly even they are able to show some common sense once in a while. Trump-y Judge Neil Gorsuch for once sided with the will of the people and the good of humanity over their puppet master corporate interests when he announced that the Court refused to hear a challenge to the immensely popular Proposition 12 initiative that banned some of the most egregious forms of torture commonly committed against the millions of helpless animals who are bred to die to become our meals. When the people of California overwhelmingly voted to put an end to battery cages, farrowing crates and other popular forms of medieval torture, the well-moneyed Big Ag dudes predictably acted with whiny apoplectic rage as if they were the ones being forced in to the tiny crates. They screamed and wailed all the way to the Supreme Court where it was expected that they would prevail, since the court almost invariably chooses special interests over the greater good. But this time, the Court sided with compassion, though compassion was certainly not their motivation, leaving Big Ag to scream their hatred into the darkness.
This is a good time to mention that we could all make the world a far healthier, more compassionate and more sustainable place by taking steps to end our addiction to products that require immense animal suffering.