For perhaps the millionth time, the animal agriculture industry is attempting to shift blame away from their destructive policies in yet another attempt to pacify their customers into eating their planet-killing products. I had to double check that this isn't an Onion parody, but there actually is a company called Zelp that is proposing to attach medieval-like masks to the faces of cattle in what they describe as a way to capture all the methane from cow belches and somehow convert it into carbon dioxide which is a less noxious greenhouse gas. Their website doesn't explain how this helps protect anything since it covers their nostrils and cows belch through their mouths. Their website also loudly trumpets these devices as promoting animal welfare, yet there is nary a word of how they do that. Nonetheless, the trade magazines are celebrating Zelp as the second coming, and investors are pumping millions of dollars into their company. Meanwhile, animals suffer even more discomfort and degradation to feed the egos of the "boys with their toys" club.
Meme, Cattle, Climate Change, Global Warming, Torture, Zelp, Investors, Boys With Their Toys